Cosmetic Dentistry
Feel confident every time you show your smile.
Where Beauty Meets Function
Crowded teeth, gapped teeth, crossbites, and other misalignments affect confidence and oral health. But, you don’t have to settle for a crooked smile with the top braces alternative, Invisalign®. Our cosmetic dentist in Bloomington, MN, uses clear aligner trays to guide your teeth to their ideal position.
Our plastic aligners are clear and nearly invisible, so you can wear them to work, school, and even special events while they straighten your teeth.
This top teeth straightening system works just as well as traditional metal braces for mild to moderate malocclusion (the misalignment of teeth).
Invisalign® clear aligners can be removed to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Wear them according to your plan and enjoy more comfort and better hygiene.
Isaacson Dental Center serves Bloomington, Edina, Richfield, and Minneapolis, MN.